About Us

Meet our team, dedicated to fostering genuine connections and creating communities where people feel valued and belong.

Our goal is to help connect Adventist institutions together and help build strong communities with for God.

We are a community of like-minded individuals

Seeking infinite imagination
Creating meaningful content
Inspiring a sense of belonging
Kindling action
The Humble Helpers

Meet Our Team

Our teams philosophy — Cultivate a team of distinct, driven individuals to excel in the realm of content and marketing, where we strive to uncover unseen, innovative pathways that forge authentic and emotional connections with audiences.
Andrew Hansen
Storytelling Director
My dream is to convey impactful messages through story
Evan Robinson
Creative and VFX Strategist
My dream is to use VFX to bring enchanting visual experiences to the screen
Jefferson Rodrigues
Content Strategy Director
My dream is to unlock the potential in others
Jennifer DeOliveira
Creative Concept Director
My dream is to build a better world for the next generation
Tabata Scalioni
Lead Project Manager
My dream is to contribute to meaningful improvements in everyday life

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